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HomeDecember 1-14, 2024Speakers highlight importance of prevention, life style modification

Speakers highlight importance of prevention, life style modification

PSIM and PES collaborate to celebrate World Diabetes Day

KARACHI: Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine in collaboration with Pakistan Endocrine Society organized a meeting at Governor House on November 17th to celebrate World Diabetes Day. Prof. Zaman Sheikh was the chief organizer. The meeting was attended by a select gathering of physicians, endocrinologists and key opinion leaders from the medical profession.

Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine in collaboration with Pakistan Endocrine Society organized a Diabetes Awareness seminar at Karachi on November 17th 2024. Group photograph taken on the occasion sows the senior executive of both PSIM and PES alongwith some of the speakers and participants.

Speaking at the occasion Prof. Javed Akram President of PSIM said that we should ensure that healthcare facilities are accessible to the common man. He also referred to the establishment of Aap Ka Clinic at Lahore where consultants provide free consultation on rotation. The deserving patients also get free investigations and drugs. Almost 70% of diabetes, he opined is preventable.

Dr. Aisha President of Pakistan Endocrine Society in her address referred to the increase prevalence of Type-2 diabetes in young people. Those women who suffer from Gestational Diabetes should be careful as they are at greater risk of developing diabetes. They are high risk cases and women she opined must get GTT done before deciding to become pregnant. Diabetic women must plan their pregnancy to avoid congenital malformation and other anomalies. They must first get the blood glucose controlled before getting pregnant. She also referred to SMILE project through which Insulin is provided free to deserving patients.
Prof. Zaman Sheikh tracing the history of Word Diabetes Day said it was first celebrated in 1991 with the objective of creating awareness. At present the prevalence of diabetes in Pakistan is about 30%. The idea of having meeting at Governor House was to ensure government participation. Dr. Shehla Akram highlighted the importance of nutrition and balanced diet, educating the public about diet, ensuring use of fruits and vegetables.

Prof. Ejaz Ahmad Vohra remarked that Government is not interested in prevention, they are only interested in projects where they can put their name plates on inauguration. We need to work on prevention, prevent high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. We also need to educate the journalists to spread effective messages by providing those highlights for their reports.

Prof. Masood Hameed Khan talked about diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. He opined that we always react, we need to do something on prevention. Health and Education is a very low priority with the government. They need to increase financial allocations for these two important sectors. He suggested that let every female and male measure his/her waist and if it is more than thirty for female and more than thirty-five for male, they are not healthy, are prone to develop or have already developed diabetes or may be in pre-diabetes stage.

Dr. Khurram Hussain from Getz Pharma which had sponsored this meeting in his speech said that we have all highly influential people here. Getz has been playing its role in prevention of diseases since 2010 when we ensured availability of insulin. We can help in prevention campaign, in research. A study which has included over two thousand patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases is under way, we are also doing biobankng, we will cooperate with you, just identify high risk groups. Resistance, he opined, was now a problem. We all should work together. There are about forty thousand GPs with whom we are in contact and we plan to train them in standardized care of diabetes. This group formed few years ago needs to be activated. CKD, Hepatitis B and C is spreading which is a major threat at present. Prof. Javed Akram remarked that PSIM, PEC and Pakistan Cardiac Society will cooperate to formulate a workable strategy.

Dr. Qaisar Sajjad from PMA urged government to ensure provision of pure drinking water, improve sanitation, sewerage facilities so that viral infection including Dengue could be controlled. Boils in nose should not be taken lightly as they can result in life threatening complications.

Prof. Azizur Rehman remarked that prevention is possible. We must advocate reduction in weight, control of obesity which will result in reduction of Type-2 diabetes as well. Dr. Ali Asghar President-elect of PES spoke about diabetic peripheral neuropathy which makes the life of patients miserable. Blood Glucose control will prevent and reduce serious complications. Prof. Tariq Waseem pointed out that let us identify all those at high risk of developing diabetes. If mother is diabetic, there are 30% chances of children developing diabetes but if father is diabetic the risk is increased to 40%.

However, if both parents are diabetic, the risk increases to 70%, It can be reduced by life style modification. Prof Aftab Mohsin remarked that in spite of all these problems, there is a good news as well because the life expectancy is increasing. We all should be grateful to what we have. Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid Chief Editor Professional Medical Publications urged the organizers and speakers to implement and practice what they preach. Serve healthy diet at medical conferences and do away with wastage of funds on provision of conference bags, shields etc., as the industry passes on this burden on patients by increased cost of healthcare. The session was moderated by Dr. Shabnam Naveed.


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