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HomeFeb 1-14, 2024Reality in Health Servicesauthored by Shaukat Ali Jawaid

Reality in Health Servicesauthored by Shaukat Ali Jawaid

The book titled “Reality in Health Services” has been written by Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid an eminent medical journalist of Pakistan. It is the 11th Volume of compilation of his medico-political columns published in Pulse International since 15th March, 1989.

It wasn’t easy to write a Book Review as it contained 117 columns and each on different theme relating medical society, medical politics, medical ethics, medical hierarchy, and medical leadership. Each script or column has a different meaningful tail piece or lesson learnt. It was a bit difficult to assimilate and consolidate the messages conveyed in these columns, however, with some guidance, I was able to make it. The nutshell, tails piece, morals, lessons learnt or the take home message(s) derived from these 117 columns are summarised here:

“The leaders of medical institutions may leave the task undone which they don’t know to prevent damages. The doctors may learn more listening skills. The doctors don’t always need to go by the appearance. Rural community desperately requires expertise of specialists. There are always long term implications of certain decisions, so make decisions with utmost care. We must take care to control the increasing prevalence of hospital acquired infections.

Regional collaborations especially between SAARC countries may be enhanced to improve healthcare and academic. Academic Medicine may not get polluted with payments from Pharma industry and medical device industry. Strategic planning is a must to control Hepatitis and to prevent ailing community from “Social Dacoits”. Training for advance practice Nurses to help in improvement in healthcare which is the future. Vice Chancellors of Medical universities may be timely appointed purely on merit. Medical fraternity must maintain, protect and preserve their self-respect and dignity. There is no substitute to behaviour therapy. Do not make innocent victims of honest and hard-working professionals under pressure of wicked and loud people, do justice. Medical leaders should mainly concentrate on their own work and core duties rather on unnecessary socialization.

Pakistan needs more institution like PKLI but do not ignore primary healthcare which should be the priority. We must learn to respect others if we wish to earn respect. Let us try to restore the respect for physicians more than those of kings. We must promote love and affection rather sowing seeds of hatred. It is high time that GP’s, Family Physicians and allied healthcare professionals take note of the new emerging trends and plan accordingly to ensure quality primary healthcare. Undisputed and pure democracy is the only option if we wish to survive with respect and dignity among the nations. Those who are dead and do nothing have no critics. Let us pray that the media in general and the politicians in particular learn to appreciate and praise good work by the Government irrespective of the fact whose party is in Government. We need to promote the patient safety culture in the country in our health services.

The image of the medical profession in the society is not so good these days, hence, they must take precautions and do not get involved in politics under any circumstances. Never ever say for domain and promise something you cannot do. Don’t push your opponents to the wall. Honesty without competency and obedience is a disaster. We need good, comfortable working environment in medical institutes. The faculty members must be given due respect so that they can concentrate and work with devotion and delegation. It is important that all professionals which include doctors, lawyers and teachers must follow decent, respectful and societally accepted dress code. Coming up of clinics for the treatment of addiction to social media cannot be ruled out in the days to come. Don’t presume but always be sure in medicine.

Lawyers need to mend their ways lawfully and never ever may repeat to create ugly and rowdy situation like the one witnessed at Punjab Institute of Cardiology(PIC). Travel is a fantastic self-development tool. Let us not politicize health. Doctors must make Jihad with their skills with a pen against menace of diseases and evils in the society. HEC policies regarding Health Sciences Journals need to be adhered to ground realities, facts and contextual backdrops to make it realistic and practical. Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine has set new standards for other professional organisation to follow. Give due respect to the healthcare professionals who faced the hazards to provide healthcare during Covid-19 endemic.

Doctors must read light literature to bring soothing effect in the face of misery round the clock. Let us strive for self-sufficiency in every field to enjoy real independence. Each notable educational institution needs to have its own publications department with equipment and trained workforce. Don’t embarrass yourself by asking extension in your services. Learn from painful reflections from the fall of Dhaka. Editors must sit and find out the deficiency in original research and original articles.

Recreational facilities must be established in big hospitals and educational institutions for healthcare professionals to get some relief to unwind from stressful life. We must pay tribute to China to gift millions of doses of vaccine for COVID-19. Learn to say ‘No’ where needed it you wish to succeed. Medicos should not become a member for political mess created by various parties. We must concentrate on improving the basic health infrastructure, prevention of disease, health education and creating awareness among the public to use these facilities. Let us discourage the use of white poison. Let us win hearts of people to earn respect, say goodbye to your loved ones with grace. Always remember those who helped you in difficult times.

Let us refuse to become a nation of beggars. UHS-PAME initiative helped Journals Editors to get HEC recognition. Arrange professional conferences within the college/university campuses and not in Five Stars hotels. Principal, Deans and VCs offices deserve respect. Stroke units must be manned by trained physicians. There is need for annual appraisal and re-certification of healthcare professional in Pakistan. Let the medical doctors and religious scholars make the guidelines for the challenges in deceased organs donation.

It is, indeed, an amazing book with candid and truthful discussion with an incisive mind of the writer who has drawn inferences (conclusion or take home message) for different situations in the spectrum of geo-politics of healthcare delivery system and health education. It will be a rewarding book for our libraries and would help leadership in healthcare system at all levels to mend their ways and to be forthright and upright. I congratulate the author for being brave and for speaking truth and nothing but the truth, rather the naked truth.

The writer is a noted medical journalist of Pakistan and is the Chief Editor Professional Medical Publications publishers of a Medical Periodical fortnightly “Pulse International” and Bi-Monthly “Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences”, a peer-reviewed and Impact Factor Journal Published from Pakistan. He is an author of 24 books in the area of Medical Writing, Medical Editing, Medical Ethics and his book on Autobiography.

The First Edition of this book has been published by Mubarak Ali and printed by Med-Print Services for Professional Medical Publications in June 2022. The cover has been designed by Mr. Kausar Naqvi (Faucity/Bridge56) and printed at Punjab Printing Press, Karachi. The book has been allocated ISBN 978-969-8219-25-3 with all copyrights reserved comprising of 358 pages. The book has been dedicated to the conscious and kind hearted health professionals and acknowledged to Prof Emeritus Lt Gen Mahmud Ahmad Akhtar, a noble role model, ethical physician and a professional, par excellence.

Avaliable from: Med Print Services
C/o. Professional Medical Publications, Office # 701, Seventh Floor, Business Center, Block-6, PECHS, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi-Pakistan.
Phone: 021-34324732 – 021-34324733 Price Rs. 3,000/-

Maj Gen(Retd) Prof. M. Aslam
Advisor Postgraduate
Education & Research,
Shifa Tameer-e-Millat
University Islamabad.


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