In June 2023, I had a chance to visit Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. On the top of my bucket list was the plan to meet Prof Dr Alam Sher Malik and Prof Dr Rukhsana Hussain Malik. Contacted them before leaving and they kindly consented to spare their precious time to meet me. I am a great admirer of their contribution to doctor community especially those involved with teaching and learning. They have generated a series of Webinars related to medical education.

Dr. Aysha Zaheer photographed with Prof. Alam Sher Malik and
Prof. Rukhsana Hussain Malik
Dr. Alam Sher Malik, graduate of Rawalpindi Medical College year 1980 (pioneer batch) is a paediatrician and a medical educationist by profession, associated to International Medical School of Management and Science University Malaysia. Dr Rukhsana H. Malik is professor of Medical Education, also a graduate of Rawalpindi Medical College year 1983 associated in Malaysia with the same University.
It all started in COVID pandemic when life came to a halt worldwide. All learning activities were stopped as nothing could be arranged face to face. At that time in a WhatsApp group of Physiology an invite was received for a webinar, titled “Objectives to Outcomes” (O2O). The title seemed very attractive. I registered and joined. To my surprise, it was a totally free webinar, extremely elaborative and comprehensive, well prepared, covering all aspects of objectives of learning and how to match them with outcomes. It was followed by a sequence of monthly webinars. A WhatsApp group was made for potential participants.
Upon registering they were added to a group of registered participants where all the relevant materials were shared. All of it was totally free of cost. Recording of webinar was shared in the end. Participants joined from India, Pakistan and South East Asia. Those webinars are continuing. Anyone can join or find the topics of interest on YouTube.
So far, webinars, micro learning videos and workshops have been conducted on the following topics:
- Case-based learning
- Balance in blended learning
- Constructive alignment in the curriculum
- Delivering integrated curriculum online
- Lecture-free curriculum
- Management of assessment: Processes and practices
- Objectives to outcomes
- Online assessment methods
- Students’ study guides
- Competency-based curriculum
- Student mentoring and tracking system
- Programmatic assessment
- PBL Package: Design and development
- Interprofessional education: Concept and implementation
- PBL process: Roles and responsibilities
- OSCE/OSPE: Developing and executing – F2F & online
- BAQs: Format; Features and Flaws
- Reflection; Feedback; Portfolio
- Item analysis: Difficulty, Discrimination, Distractor indices
- Continuous assessment and logbook
- Curriculum mapping: What; When; Why … How?
- Standard setting in medical education
- Learning environment
- Blueprinting assessment and curricular content
- Team-based learning
- Structured essay questions and their marking schemes
- Student-cantered learning: Concept and Implementation
- Construction and Conduct of Multipart Essay Questions
- Developing Rubrics and Marking Schemes
- Preparation and Delivery of Interactive Lectures
Additional Videos
• AV1 – Conducting PBL/TBL effectively
• AV2 – Developing and delivering an integrated curriculum
• AV3 – Task-based learning
• AV4 – Learning outcomes, MCQs and Item analysis
• ML1 – Usage of clinical skills Lab
• ML2 – Mannequins and simulation
• ML3 – Standardised patients
• ML4 – Early clinical exposure
• ML5 – Teaching procedures and skills
• ML6 – Steps of a PBL session
• ML7 – Introduction to team-based learning
• ML8 – Single best answer questions
• ML9 – Extended matching questions
• ML10 – Difficulty index
• ML11 – Discrimination index
• Ml12 – Learning outcomes
• ML13 – Use and conduct of OSCE
• ML14 – What is an OSCE?
• ML15 – Why we need to use OSCE?
• ML 16 – Steps of a TBL session in English and Urdu
• ML 17 – Contemporary assessment methods for undergraduate medical students
• MedEd workshop #1 – Preparation and delivery of a TBL session
• MedEd workshop #2 – Preparation and delivery of a PBL session
• MedEd workshop #3 – Developing and Conducting OSCE
The above videos can be accessed on YouTube by clicking the following link: