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Life Time Achievement Awards for three distinguished Editors conferred by PAME Recipients include Prof. M. Aslam, Fatema Jawad and Shaukat Ali Jawaid

LAHORE: Organizers of the 6th PAME National Conference on Medical Journals held at the University of Health Sciences Lahore on October 21st honored three distinguished medical editors from Pakistan with the Life Time Achievement Awards in recognition of their services to promote the discipline of medical journalism in Pakistan. The Awards were presented by Kh. Salman Rafique Punjab Health Minister in the inaugural session of the conference which was very well attended by healthcare professionals from all over Pakistan interested in medical journalism besides postgraduate students. Citations giving details of their contributions were read on this occasion by Prof. Nadia Naseem Pro Vice Chancellor of UHS who is also focal person of CME programmes at the university.

Organizers of 6th PAME National Conference on Medical Journals honoured three distinguished Medical Editors with Life Time Achievement Awards in the inaugural session. Picture taken on the occasions shows Kh. Salman Rafique Punjab Health Minister who was the chief guest presenting these Awards from (L to R) to Prof. Maj. Gen. (Retd) Muhammad Aslam former Editor of PAFMJ, Dr. Fatema Jawad Chief Editor of JPMA and on extreme right to Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid Chief Editor of Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences.

The first one who was honoured was Prof. Maj.Gen. Muhammad Aslam former Editor of Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal and Pakistan Journal of Physiology who is also currently Vice President at large of Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME). He also had the distinction of organizing the first ever national conference on Medical Editing at Army Medical College Rawalpindi in 2007 when he was the Principal of that institution. He was also elected as founder President of PAME when it was renamed from Pakistan Medical Journalists Association (PMJA) to PAME in 2010.

Second recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Awards was Dr. Fatema Jawad Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Pakistan Medical Association one of the oldest medical journal published from Pakistan which at present also enjoys an Impact Factor and is covered by all the important indexes and databases. She is the member of the core committee of PAME which runs various CME programmes in Pakistan.

Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid Chief Editor of Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences was the third recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award. He is founder member of PMJA as well as PAME and Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors founded in 2003 at WHO EMRO Cairo. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences at present enjoys the highest Impact Factor among the medical journals published from Pakistan and attracts manuscripts from over forty-five countries. He is currently Secretary of EMAME and also serves as Honorary Advisor to University of Health Sciences and started these courses, Certificate in Medical Editing, Advance Certificate in Medical Editing leading to Diploma in Medical Journalism programmes at UHS with the help of his colleagues in PAME. These CME programmes are joint initiative of UHS in collaboration with PAME. He is also Chief Editor of Pulse Internaitonal and author of twenty-six books on different topics.

Prof. Jamshed Akhtar former Editor of JCPSP and currently Editor of Journal of Surgery, Prof. Akhtar Sherin Chief Editor Journal of Khyber Medical University, Dr. Masood Jawaid Associate Editor of Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences are the other important members of the Core Committee which runs and manages these course with the help of over twenty five eminent researchers and medical editors from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran including Prof. Ahmad Badar, Prof. M.B.Rokni, Prof. Mukhtar Baig.


  1. Indeed they are a source of inspiration for the whole community and their contributions are immense keeping in view the circumstances around and bureaucratic hindrances

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