LAHORE: King Edward Medical University organized a condolence meeting at its premises on April 30th 2024 to pay tributes to the distinguished KEMCOLIANS Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry, Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi and Prof.Asif Baig Mirza who all passed away recently. The meeting was very well attended by present and former faculty members of King Edward Medical University, other KEMCOLIANS in person besides a large number of friends and well-wishers as well as family members of these distinguished personalities attended online. Some of them also spoke on the occasion and paid rich tributes to these eminent KEMCOLIANS recounting their contributions to medical education, health services as well as to their Alma Matter.

Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry
A number of former and present Vice Chancellors of different universities and Principals of Medical Colleges were also present on this occasion. Prof. Muhammad Amjad former Principal of Services Institute of Medical Sciences(SIMS) was the first speaker who in his most comprehensive speech highlighted different aspects of the personality of late Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi. Late Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi, he stated, remained associated with the medical profession for forty-five years. He started his career at King Edward Medical College and he retired from KEMU about three years ago.

Throughout his professional career of forty-five years, he just spent four years out of KEMC and Mayo Hospital. He became Chairman of Dept. of Medicine at KEMU which was a matter of great satisfaction for him. He was totally committed to medicine and followed the footsteps of Prof. Kh. Sadiq Hussain, Prof Mahmood Ali Malik and Prof. Faisal Masood. He followed all of them meticulously.
Despite the fact that he did diploma in cardiology as well but then decided that he was going to pursue his career in Medicine. He specialized in clinical skills which he had learnt from his teachers and he felt he was happy to pursue his career in medicine. Once the KEMU decided to have feedback from the students about the faculty members and he came out to be the best teachers of the institution. He enjoyed tremendous respect. When he was in East Medical Ward, he felt it was in a very bad shape hence he took the initiative and started its renovation. Within a period of about six months it got a new face and became the best ward. He established reading room for the students.
He also served as Warden of the Hostel and was very strict in ensuring discipline. Once some students turned against him and there was demand for his removal but the whole faculty went to the office of Vice Chancellor and supported Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi hence no one could remove him. He also served as President of KEMC Literary Society and also occupied the coveted post of Registrar of KEMU for some time. He also looked after his family well. His brother Mr. Shahzad sharing his views on the occasion said that late Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi lived a very successful life. Only few years ago we had attended his farewell in this very hall. Mrs. Irshad Hussain Qureshi was also called to say few words. She became very emotional and could not control herself. Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi she said, did not live after his retirement from KEMU. Since his retirement he was not keeping good health and finally left this world, she remarked.

Prof. Asif Baig Mirza
Prof. Farooq Afzal another former Principal of SIMS paid rich tributes to late Prof. Asif Baig Mirza who he said was an accomplished surgeon. Prof. Asif Baig Mirza touched many others life. He was simply a Saint which describes his personality. I have no doubt that he will be in Paradise. He was a practical example of virtual life. To be useful and compassionate for others makes a difference in a successful life. South Surgical Ward with which he was affiliated has played a vital role in leadership development. Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry, Prof. Asif Baig Mirza, Prof. Mahmood Ayaz all belong to this ward. Compassionate, kindness, patient centered care, authenticity and truthfulness, humility and courage, punctuality and dutifulness, true feedback, Mardim Shinas are some of the good qualities of a god leader and late Prof. Asif Baig Mirza had all of them in abundance, he remarked.

Prof. Asif Baig Mirza would always come to the college on time, the ward round would start on time and he knew each and every student by name. No doubt he was best of the best. He was not well during the last forty days of his life. His hand, head and heart all inspired and his spirit endured. Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry taught us leadership and lived as a role model. They were all my teaches. Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry was an excellent teacher. Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi was also my teacher. He was known for his bedside manners and teaching. Asif Baig Mirza had tremendous love for the students. He had a passion for teaching and after retirement he joined Ittefaq Hospital and continue teaching there, he added. Prof. Mahmood Ayaz present Vice Chancellor of King Edward Medical University was the next speaker who pointed out that all the three distinguished medical personalities who suddenly left us last week were sons of KEMU and distinguished KEMCOLIANS. My heart is bleeding and will continue to bleed but it is also being continuously refilled.
All the three eminent members of the medical profession have left behind their legacy in the form of their sons and daughters who will continue to serve the country and fortunately all of them are also KEMCOLIANS. These three Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi, Prof. Asif Baig Mirza and Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry have contributed a great deal to medical education during their life and will continue this legacy of KEMU in the form of their sons and daughters. All three, Prof. Mahmood Ayaz further stated were great teachers and Mentors. I can support each and every word which has been spoken by Prof. Muhammad Amjad about Prof. Irshad Hussain Qureshi. It is a proud and at the same time a sad moment while I am talking about late Prof.Zafarullah Chaudhry. He was my Mentor.

Irshad Hussain Qureshi
He lived a very active life throughout his professional career. He was a graduate of Nishtar Medical College Multan. He had professional degrees in Anesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynaecology besides Surgery from UK which shows diversity of his personality. He produced many leaders from South Surgical Ward which is the No.1 team of surgeons in Pakistan today. He produced many brilliant students and thirty-nine surgeons who got training in South Surgical Ward became Professors in their professional career.
Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry contributed a great deal as President of College of Physicians & Surgeons of Pakistan. He introduced clinical skills labs, residency programme established CPSP chapters overseas and introduced training programme for CPSP Fellows in UK and Ireland which was perhaps his best contribution. He was a brilliant star of Medicine, practical Muslim and a true Pakistani who was a beacon of Wisdom. He was more than a Mentor who had boundless energy, infectious passion. He left us on April 26th 2024 and he gave us a surprise in his death as well as usual.

Prof. Jalil Daula a noted ophthalmic surgeon also spoke on this occasion and said that once Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry told me that you make too much noise form a small place and I told him that it is from where we all see everything. At Nishtar he was an excellent Football player. We knew him as an energetic doctor and a good surgeon. He had exemplary courage and good fighter who will always get his viewpoint accepted. Once the Health Minister decided to promote him as Professor but there were many surgeons senior to him. He promoted at least four five surgeons and a special chair was created for him to be promoted as Professor when Prof. Iftikhar Ahmad was Punjab Health Secretary.
Prof.Amer Zaman Former Vice Chancellor of Fatima Jinnah Medical University speaking on behalf of faculty and Alumni of King Edward Medical College also paid rich tributes to all the three distinguished KEMCOLIANS who passed away recently. We lost these three brilliant stars of medicine in a week. Prof. Asif Baig Mirza always had a good piece of advice for everyone he stated. Others who also spoke on the occasion included Prof. Majid Chaudhry who termed Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry as an elder brother who was always very helpful. We have learnt a lot from all these stalwarts. Let us learn humanism from them which they all practiced, he added. Prof. Khalil Rana, Prof. Bilal S. Mohyuddin, Prof. Suhail Chughtai also paid rich tributes to the three distinguished personalities. Prof.Aisha Shaukat said late Prof.Zafarullah Chaudhry was just like a father to me. I also belong to the South Surgical Ward family. He persuaded me to become a surgeon.
I wanted to become a plastic surgeon but he encouraged me to become a General Surgeon. He always used to give us target and then we were asked to pursue that and achieve that. I was one of his favorite students. He will assess the needs of patients in the ward and quietly pay them some money. We learnt humility and professional ethics from him, she added. Prof. Shamsa Humayun recalled his tireless efforts to make CPSP as a great medical institution. Prof.Bilqis Shabbir said all the three had successful life in this world and will live a successful life in the world thereafter.
We all pray that they will have a high place in Jannah. Dr. Abu Bakar, Haroon Rafi, Saima Jamil and Prof. Asad Aslam Khan on behalf of KEMC Class of 1985 paid rich tributes to all the distinguished medical personalities who passed away recently. I worked together with Prof.Irshad Hussain Qureshi who was one of the best physicians. Prof. Asif Baig Mirza and Zafarullah Chaudhry were men of principles. Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry took CPSP beyond the boundaries of Pakistan and it became an Internaitonal medical institution. The meeting ended with Daua by Prof. Muhammad Amjad.