It will be a useful source of information for obesity prevention and management
From Musarrat Riaz
COLOMBO (SRI LANKA): The South Asia Obesity Forum (SOF) a consortium of experts from eight South Asian countries namely, India, Pakistan. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan, Maldives and Mauritius was launched during the annual congress of Sri Lanka College of Endocrinologists (SLENDO) 2024 held here last month. “United against Obesity” is the tagline of the new entity. Registered in Kathmandu it was attended by a large number of doctors and allied health care professionals including dietitians, nutritionists, media personnel’s and policy makers in the inaugural session.

Sri Lanka College of Endocrinologists (SLENDO) organized its annual conference at Colombo last month. Group photograph taken on the occasion shows some of the participants attending the conference.
The SOF was initiated by Dr Dina Shrestha, consultant endocrinologist from Nepal and other likeminded people from South Asian countries namely Dr Nitin Kapoor, India, Dr Sanjay Kalra, India, Dr Rucha J Mehta, India, Dr Md Faruque Pathan, Bangladesh, Dr Selim Shahjada, Bangladesh, Dr Musarrat Riaz, Pakistan, Dr Azra Rizwan, Pakistan, Dr Sidrah Lodhi, Pakistan, Dr Santosh Shakya, Nepal, Dr Aswin Pankajakshan, Dubai, Dr Mariyam Niyaz, Maldives, Dr Prasad Katlunda, Sri Lanka, Dr Ranil Jayawardena, Sri Lanka, and Dr Mohammed Wali Naseri, Afghanistan.
The SOF aim to create a platform that unites clinicians, researchers and experts in the fight against obesity by providing a comprehensive and easily accessible source of information for obesity prevention and management ultimately leading to better health outcomes for individuals and communities.
During the launch meeting held on the 11th of August, 2024, Dr Md Faruque Pathan presented vision and mission of SOF. The Region-specific SOF declaration called “The Colombo Declaration” having four key points was also presented which include the following:
- Academic and research activities, geared towards sensitizing healthcare professionals about the need for timely obesity prevention and management.
- Awareness campaigns, designed to educate the public at large, about the need to manage obesity, without stigmatizing persons living with obesity.
- Advocacy efforts, so as to engage policymakers and planners, and make ant obesity drugs and devices available, accessible and affordable to all.
- Audits of obesity related activities across the South Asian region, so as to ensure addressing and actual needs. SOF reiterates its resolve to conduct a comprehensive campaign against obesity. Its partnership-based, person-centered, public-inclusive, policy-concordant ethos will drive academic, awareness and advocacy efforts, backed by robust audit.
Speaking in the inaugural session speakers pointed out that obesity was not merely an issue of excess weight but a complex disease influenced by genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors. Effective obesity management requires a holistic approach that extends beyond standard diet and exercise advice. It was further pointed out that Physicians must recognize the underlying contributors, such as hormonal imbalances, genetic predispositions, and psychological influences, to deliver personalized and effective care.
Earlier Dr Niranjala Meegoda Widanege President Sri Lanka College of Endocrinologists welcomed the guests while Dr Prasad Katlundafrom from Sri Lanka talked about impact of Obesity in South Asia. Topics covered during the session included Obesity the octopus in the room by Prof. Nitin Kapoor and Dr Aswin Pankajakshan, both from India, Medical Nutrition Therapy by Prof. Ranil Jaya warden from Sri Lanka and Motivational Therapeutics in obesity by Dr. Musarrat Riaz from Pakistan. Aerobic session involving all the speakers and participants was an interesting highlight of the session conducted by a trained expert emphasizing the importance of physical activity in our daily lives and how to make it more enjoyable.
Dr. Mahipala Herath, Secretary of Health, Ministry of Health Government of Sri Lanka while addressing the participants talked about the Ministry of Health perspective saying that Platforms like the South Asian Obesity Forum (SOF) play a crucial role in bridging the knowledge gap by providing specialized training and resources for healthcare professionals. Through conferences, workshops, and training programs, these societies help keep physicians informed about the latest research and best practices in obesity management.
The Asian Journal of Obesity is the official journal of the South-Asia Obesity Forum. The first edition of the journal was also presented during the SOF launch at SLENDO 2024. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr Nitin Kapoor, with Dr Sanjay Kalra, as Deputy Editor. The journal aims to address the challenges of the obesity pandemic and to mitigate its impact in the region through obesity education, research, and advocacy.