Dr. Munawar Aziz’s column
Dr. Munawar Aziz is a regular contributor to the PULSE International for many years now. His columns cover simple brief but very interesting and meaningful topics. There are clinical tips for the young doctors particularly the GPs. These are based on his vast clinical experience of interacting with his patients who belong to different walks of life. While scanning the PULSE you cannot skip Dr. Munawar Aziz’s article. Being such a busy physician finding time for academics is really incredible. I pray for his happy and healthy life.
Maj. Gen.(Retd) Ashur Khan
Importance of Clinical Skills in practice of Medicine
Under the umbrella of FDA in USA, patients are invariably treated following the outcome of evidence based clinical trials? Do the board exams emphasize the results of clinical trials? How do the clinicians appreciate the global response of clinical trials in terms of geographical medicine? Is there any reference?
Khalid Saeed Khan from UK is an eminent researcher of evidence-based medicine practice. The shake hand with patient starts with history and patient’s gift of symptoms to be tested by physical examination to be further confirmed by focused investigations e.g., if apex beat is positive, a chest X-ray should be sought. I think in the third world setting; the British Model might be more appropriate than the expensive American investigative focused clinical practice! Massive commercialization of health and education has taken off the stream of genuine benefits of good clinical trials.
Finally, the health indices outcome of clinical trials should be meta-analyzed in context of urban and rural settings to be enlightened. The first clinical trials summit at AKU held recently seems to have infected Pakistan, and we would study the results after a certain incubation period. Chancellor of AKU late Prince Karim Aga Khan is sorely missed as we walk through his fine architecture temple of learning!
Prof. H. R. Ahmad