Saturday, March 29, 2025


The best contraceptive

I quote from one of your Off the Record columns ” Economic Development! is considered as the best contraceptive, hence we need to put all energies in promoting economic development….”. God Almighty has blessed this country with tremendous talented skillful work force and rich materials, but alas, we are bringing bad name to our country by being dishonest….and this disease is contagious.

Here I remember a paragraph read somewhere, which I repeat: I cried ‘ because I had no shoes till I saw a man with no feet. Life is full of BLESSINGS sometimes we are just too BLIND TO SEE THEM”. Same is the case with people living in Pakistan….and blessed this country which is still showering all luxuries…. a large number of people have made fortune here and in turn abusing their country. It’s been over 70 years…. they have not learned to love their country. We compare ourselves with India, but do we ever realize EVERY INDIAN LOVE INDIA FIRST then himself, and every Pakistani loves himself first. Only God can help us but God help those who help themselves.

Mrs. Qaiser Rehman
Karachi – Pakistan.


Dr. Aziz’s Column consisting of case reports

This refers to Dr. Aziz’s column published in Pulse International regularly. It is always a treat being uniquely lucid and a source of enlightenment. He should compile all his case reports in the form a book as a source of learning and especially how to write a case after joy of understanding it. Thus, conscientious clinical practice offers a flight of research, learning and public health service. This may assist developing an alliance between a patient and a caring competent physician based on lifestyle and nutrition being in the hands of patients and treatment in the hands of a physicians to close the loop. How far the patient contact with the physician through the triangle of symptoms, signs and history is in practice in this country under the culture of laboratory-based investigations of medical practice to fish a diagnosis and/or unregulated AI? Looking forward to learning more from your pulsating art of writing.

HR Ahmad, MD PhD Bochum, FCPS
Dept. of Biological and
Biomedical Sciences.
Aga Khan University,
Karachi -Pakistan.


6th PAME National Conference

Masha Allah very thorough, comprehensive and professional coverage of the whole 6th PAME National Conference on Medical Journals held at UHS Lahore on October 21st 2024 in November 1st issue of Pulse International. Proud of you Sir’.

Prof. Akhtar Sherin
Kohat. KPK


  1. Let us always avoid a couple of common expressions:—

    A. Do not write “October 21st 2024”. Make it 21 October 2024, 21st October 2024, or October 21, 2024;

    B. Do not write “few days back”. Opt for “a few days ago”. FEW means virtually none. A FEW means not very many. “A few days back” not ungrammatical but it is non-idiomatic.

    C. Remember that FEW & A FEW refer to numbers whileLITTLE & A LITTLE describe quantities or bulks.

    Thank you all.


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