Monday, September 16, 2024


An Appreciation

Dear Editor,
I have gone through Pulse Vol 25 No. 14 July 15-30, 2024 and found it quite rich in contents. The details of the collaborative conference of PAME, UHS and EMAME on Oct 21, 2024 is big news and has been awaited for a long time. I admire Prof. Dr. Ahsan Waheed Rathore, VC UHS, Lahore for showing a big-heart.

I was happy to learn about the quality of healthcare at Ghurki Trust Hospital, Lahore for which Prof. Dr. Aamer Aziz deserves a special tribute. It was gratifying to learn that “Bhabi Sahiba” is well and up and about after her knee replacement at Ghurki. I convey my heartfelt congratulations to you on the accomplishment of PJMS to have Quartile Ranking from Q3 to Q2, fruit to your dedication and hard work.

Gen Mahmud Ahmed Akhtar has assumed the role of social or societal Physician by promoting preventive medicine and public health. The news of Prof. Junaid Sarfraz Khan to resign as Dean LHR, Peshawar wasn’t a pleasant one. He did awesome work to bring quality healthcare and to promote academics at LHR during his tenure.

The reprint from PJMS to reveal Journal Citation Report 2024 and impact factor of Pakistani Biomedical Journals is useful information for the readers. Pak-China Collaborative Conference and short courses in Medical Journalism is a good omen and a big initiative on your part. The proceedings of the World Health Assembly under auspices of WHO is quite encouraging and Pakistan can play a proactive role to have an Entrustable health system. The glimpses of cyber knife and robotic ultrasound reflected innovation in the diagnostic and therapeutic aspect.

The “Pulse” over a long journey has become near to a medical “Digest” for which I convey my felicitation to you, your editorial team and the participant writers and readers.

Maj Gen (R) Prof. M. Aslam
Rawalpindi. Pakistan.


Quality of Care at Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital Lahore

Thank you for sharing this and highlighting the work Ghurki Trust Hospital is doing. It really elevates ones spirit when a fellow physician from our community is praised for their good work. Otherwise everyone is looking to detect and highlight the negativities.

Dr. Farooq Rathore


Dear Editor,

Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital is really doing great service.

Dr. Muhammad Nasir,


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