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HomeMain News 3Prof. Khawar Kazmi to lead Cardio Metabolic Forum formed during PSIM conference

Prof. Khawar Kazmi to lead Cardio Metabolic Forum formed during PSIM conference

Document will be prepared within six month to finalize
Minimum Standard Treatment Guidelines-Prof. Basit

ISLAMABAD: Prof. Khawar Kazmi an eminent cardiologist with special interest in preventive cardiology will lead the newly formed Cardio Metabolic Forum which has representation from over a dozen professional specialty organizations from different disciplines. His name was proposed by Prof. Javed Akram during the meeting held on second day of the PSIM International Medical Conference held here recently and it was unanimously approved by the participants. During this meeting which was jointly chaired by Prof. Khawar Kazmi and Prof. Abdul Basit from Baqai Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology (BIDE) the administrative structure and setting goals with different strategies and way forward was discussed in detail.

Some of the participants photographed during the International
Medical Conference organized by PSIM at Islamabad.

Some of the objectives of the Forum Prof. Basit stated include advocacy, public awareness, education of healthcare professionals and its focus will be to prepare and finalize guidelines’ for minimum standard of treatment. It was also pointed out that weight, height and blood pressure of every patient coming for consultation must be checked and measured. After diagnosis they must get treatment. The specialists then must refer these patients back to the referring family physician. A central registry of high risk patients will also be prepared.
Continuing Prof. Basit clarified that we are not creating another society. This is a platform to get together for managing cardio metabolic syndrome. We wish to work together. We will work to gather epidemiology of cardio metabolic syndrome. He further stated that we have been trying to do something for sometime but it has no impact. Together we can make a difference. He advised those present to start waist measurement.

Prof. Javed Akram President PSIM alongwith Prof. M. Akbar Chaudhry presenting a Memento to Prof. Muhammad Umar Vice Chancellor of Rawalpindi Medical University during the PSIM conference held here recently.

We plan to come up with a document within six months and will try to finalize guidelines for minimum standard of treatment. He also suggested that one session of cardio metabolic forum should be organized during the conference of every specialty organization. We must collect data at a centralized place. We plan to involve more professional specialty organizations to come on board. One focal person from each professional organization will be included. All work done for preparing minimum standard treatment guidelines will be shared. During the discussion it was pointed out that these minimum standard treatment guidelines’ will be for primary, secondary and tertiary care level. One of the participants suggested involving WHO and Ministry of Health and getting their feedback as well.

The focal person should see that all the professional specialty organizations are working in the same direction to achieve the objectives. Patient’s societies should also be involved. Family Physicians will also be included. It was also pointed out that all professional societies will be the member of this Cardio Metabolic Forum. Nurses should also get representation in the Forum. The need to clearly lay down objectives and a nationwide study was also highlighted. Prof. Javed Akram promised that it will not put any burden on the Pharma industry. He further remarked that we must start respecting our own people and it was with this in mind that we selected Prof. Ejaz Ahmad Vohra an eminent physician and Patron of PSIM to be the chief guest at this conference.

Prof. Javed Akram alongwith Prof. Azizur Rehman and Dr. Somia Iqtidar presenting Journal of PSIM to some of the foreign delegates attending
the PSIM conference.

Mr. Bhatti a representative from the electronic media suggested planning short messages to communicate the message effectively as no one bothers to read the lengthy guidelines. When asked for his comments Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid Chief Editor of Pulse International remarked that in a country where even different units in one medical institution cannot work together, postgraduates of one ward cannot go to other ward even to attend academic meetings, the idea to ensure collaboration between numerous professional specialty organizations was commendable. I will closely look at their performance and monitor to see if they also practice what they preach and promise. Whenever a new society is formed, they say it will not ask for donations and financial assistance from Pharma trade and industry but it does not happen. We do make lot of plans but implementation is always lacking, he remarked.


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