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HomeUncategorized21 faculty members attend Workshop on Peer Review organized by PAME

21 faculty members attend Workshop on Peer Review organized by PAME

Elections of new office bearers to be organized through electronic voting

KARACHI: Peer Review plays a vital role in the improvement of quality of manuscripts accepted for publication by the biomedical journals. However, finding reviewers is an uphill task and most of the journals face this dilemma. Hence in order to build the professional capacity of faculty members and learn how to do peer review, Pakistan Association of Medical Editors (PAME) organized a daylong workshop on Peer Review at PMA House Karachi on December 16th 2023.

The initiative was taken by Dr. Fatema Jawad Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA) while the articles for hands on peer review activity were selected by Prof. Jamshed Akhtar former Editor of JCPSP and currently Editor Journal of Surgery Pakistan. Other facilitators included Prof. Nazeer Khan from Baqai Medical University who looked after the statistical aspects in the papers and guided all the groups, Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid Chief Editor Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, Dr. Syed Muhammad Mubin from Hamdard Medical University, Dr. Asifya Aziz from Jinnah Sindh Medical University. Prof. Akhtar Sherin former President of PAME who was in the city attending the Neurology conference also graced the occasion with his presence and actively contributed to the deliberations.

Invitations were extended to faculty members of five medical universities through various editors and they were asked to nominate five faculty members for the workshop. Preference was given to those who have already published some papers, were keen to learn and also interested. Eventually twenty five participants were selected and they were divided into five groups and one facilitator was deputed with each group. Four participants who had registered did not turn up at the last minute.

Dr. Fatema Jawad welcomed all the participants and the facilitators. She also gave a brief background about the formation and activities of Pakistan Association of Medical Editors and then discussed the importance of peer review, different types of peer review, each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. To begin with all the participants were given the same paper which was already published in one of the Pakistani journals and they were asked to review it and one representative from each group made the presentation. They were able to pick up quite a few issues.

Later all the five groups were given five different papers. Prof. Jamshed Akhtar had done lot of work to select papers by one of the participants in the group already published in a journal. Then again the participants looked at the paper, tried to review it find out major deficiencies and problems. The facilitators present also helped them and guided them, responding to their queries. Again the group leaders made the presentations. It was quite a useful activity. The primary objective was to sensitize the participants about the importance of peer review, how it is done then how they are supposed to write peer review report. They were also advised to start with a positive note highlighting the strength and importance of the study in their report before listing the deficiencies. The participants were advised to remain in contact with the facilitators, contact them and keep on learning, working in collaboration with these editors. They can visit their offices if feasible and have firsthand in formation and experience. Certificates will be sent to the participants through e mail in the next few days.

Dr. Fatema Jawad thanked the participants for showing keen interest in this academic activity and also thanked the facilitators. Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid commended the initiative and particularly thanked Prof. Jamshed Akhtar for having done most of the work, selection of papers, preparing the key and highlighting important weaknesses in these manuscripts. Later a meeting of PAME was also held in which all the editors present participated and decided to hold the elections of PAME through electronic voting. Arrangements for elections will be started soon by Dr. Masood Jawaid General Secretary of PAME in collaboration with Prof. Jamshed Akhtar. Accounts of PAME will be audited for which Mr. Shaukat Ali Jawaid was entrusted the responsibility.


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