Sunday, September 8, 2024


Let us Thank Allah Pak for its unlimited Blessings

Shaukat Ali Jawaid We all should be grateful and thank Allah Pak for its unlimited blessings. Let us look at millions of people in the...

Lifestyle News

Let us Thank Allah Pak for its unlimited Blessings

Shaukat Ali Jawaid We all should be grateful and thank Allah Pak for its unlimited blessings. Let us look at millions of people in the...

Finding unknown effects of existing drugs

Fewer side effects, improved chances of healing: the goal of precision medicine is to provide patients with the most individualized treatment possible. This requires...

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Let us Thank Allah Pak for its unlimited Blessings

Shaukat Ali Jawaid We all should be grateful and thank Allah Pak for its unlimited blessings. Let us look at millions of people in the...

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Let us Thank Allah Pak for its unlimited Blessings

Shaukat Ali Jawaid We all should be grateful and thank Allah Pak for its unlimited blessings. Let us look at millions of people in the...


Let us Thank Allah Pak for its unlimited Blessings

Shaukat Ali Jawaid We all should be grateful and thank Allah Pak for its unlimited blessings. Let us look at millions of people in the...

Finding unknown effects of existing drugs

Fewer side effects, improved chances of healing: the goal of precision medicine is to provide patients with the most individualized treatment possible. This requires...

Low-Dose Aspirin cuts Type-2 diabetes risk in over-65s

econdary analysis of ASPREE Trial shows By Miriam E. Tucker Low-dose aspirin reduces the risk for type- 2 diabetes among older adults and slows the increase in fasting glucose levels...

Obesity-induced inflammation increases the secretion of extra cellular vesicles from adipose tissue

New research from the University of Eastern Finland sheds light on the mechanisms associating obesity with inflammation by exploring tiny membrane particles, known as...

WHO issues temporary recommendations to check spread of Monkey Pox

Emergency Coordination • Establish or enhance national and local emergency response coordination arrangements;• Establish or enhance the coordination of all partners and stakeholders engaged in...
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Shaukat Ali Jawaid We all should be grateful and thank Allah Pak for its unlimited blessings. Let us look at millions of people in the...
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